Sunday, May 15, 2011

Free Nivea Lotion at Fry's 5/15 - 5-17

If you received a copy of today's Sunday paper, there was a $3.00 off Happy Sensations Nivea Lotion included in the Red Plum insert. This lotion retails for around $6.99, but Fry's has it on sale as one of its Mega Savings event items. Now remember, to get the Mega Savings,  you are required to buy 10 of ANY of the Mega Savings event items. They will then deduct $5.00 off your total purchase ($0.50 per item). Here is how to get the Nivea Lotion for FREE.

Nivea Happy Sensations Body Lotion: $3.45
Mega Savings - $0.50
Use $3.00/1 Nivea Happy Sensations Lotion
Your Price: $0.05 moneymaker!!!

These will absolutely fly off the shelf, so make sure to get a raincheck if your local Fry's is out! This will allow you to get it next week for the same sale's price.


  1. My frys was all a rainceck for the 2.95 price!! YAY

  2. Rainchecks are amazing! I was so excited when I first learned about them!
